Peer-reviewed journal articles
MAHMOOD-UL-HASSAN, M., JONES, G. & DEITZ, C. 2009. The Bats of Pakistan. Verlag Dr. Muller, Saarbrücken, Germany. 167pp. Edited text and provided photographs and echolocation call data.
Books edited (refereed)
RUSSO, D. & JONES, G. (2015). Bats as Bioindicators. Special edition of Mammalian Biology, volume 80, issue 3.
BRIGHAM, R.M., KALKO, E.K.V., JONES, G., PARSONS, S. & LIMPENS, H.J.G.A. 2004. Bat Echolocation Research. Tools, Techniques and Analysis.’ Edited by Bat Conservation International, Austin TX. 167 + vii pp.
Book chapters (refereed)
28. SANTOS, M., MEDEIROS, K., SOUTO, A., JONES, G. & BEZERRA, B. 2018. Use of mangrove habitats by Sapajus flavius assessed by vocalization surveys. Pp. 64-67 in Nowak, K., Barnett, A.A. & Matsuda, I (eds) Primates in Flooded Habitats. Ecology and Conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
27. TEELING, E.C., JONES, G., & ROSSITER, S.J. 2016. Phylogeny, genes, and hearing – implications for the evolution of echolocation in bats. Pp. 25-54, in Fenton, M.B., Grinnell, A., Fay, R.R. & Popper, A.N. (eds.) Bat Bioacoustics. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research. Springer, New York.
26. ROWSE, E.G., LEWANZIK, D., STONE, E.L., HARRIS, S. & JONES, G. 2016. Dark matters: the effects of artificial lighting on bats. In Voigt, C. & Kingston, T. (eds). Bats in the Anthropocene: conservation of bats in a changing world. Springer Open. Pp. 187-213.
25. JONES, G. & REBELO, H. 2013. Responses of bats to climate change: learning from the past and predicting the future. Pp. 457-478 In Adams, R.A. & Pedersen, S.C. (eds). Bat evolution, Ecology and Conservation. Springer, New York.
24. VESPE, M., JONES, G. & BAKER, C. J. 2010 Diversity strategies: lessons from natural systems", in ‘Principles of Waveform Diversity and Design’. Edited by M. Wicks, E. Mokole, S. Blunt, R. Schneible, & V. Amuso, SciTech Publishing, August 2010, ISBN 978-1-8911-2195-1 .
23. BEZERRA, B.M., SOUTO, A.S. & JONES, G. 2010. Perspectives in primate bioacoustics. Pp. 1-28 In Potocki, E. & Krasiński, J. (Eds.). Primatology: theories, methods and research. Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York.
22. MALTBY, A., JONES, K.E. & JONES, G. 2009. Understanding the evolutionary origin and diversification of bat echolocation calls. Pp, 37-47 in Handbook of Mammalian Vocalization ed. Stefan Brudzynski. Academic Press, Oxford.
21. BEZERRA, B. M.; BARNETT, A. A.; SOUTO, A. S. & JONES, G. (2013). Vocal communication in Cacajao, Chiropotes and Pithecia: current knowledge and future directions. Pp. 303-308 In Barnett, A., Veiga, L., Ferrari, S.F., Norconk, M. A. (eds). Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris. Cambridge University Press.
20. HAYSOM, K., JONES, G., MERRETT, D. & RACEY, P.A. 2010. Bats. Pp. 259-280 In Silent Summer, edited by N. Maclean. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
19. HOLDERIED, M.W. & JONES, G. 2009. Flight dynamics of bats. Pp. 459-475 In Ecological and Behavioral Methods for the Study of Bats, edited by T.H. Kunz & S. Parsons. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
18. JONES, G. 2009. Anatomy and physiology of microchiropteran bats. Pp. 27-38 In Bats in Captivity. Volume 1: Biological and Medical Aspects, edited by S. Barnard. Logos Press, Washington DC.
17. ROSSITER, S.J., JONES, G., RANSOME, R.D. & BARRATT, E.M. 2006. Causes and consequences of genetic structure in the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum). Pp. 213-226 In ‘Functional and Evolutionary Ecology of Bats’. Edited by A. Zubaid, G.F. McCracken & T.H. Kunz. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
16. JONES, G. 2004. Conclusions: where do we go from here? Pp. 166-167 In ‘Bat Echolocation Research. Tools, Techniques and Analysis.’ Edited by R.M. Brigham, E.K.V. Kalko, G. Jones, S. Parsons & H.J.G.A. Limpens. Bat Conservation International, Austin TX.
15. JONES, G., VAUGHAN, N., RUSSO, D., WICKRAMASINGHE, L.P. & HARRIS, S. 2004. Designing bat activity surveys using time expansion and direct sampling of ultrasound. Pp. 83-89 In ‘Bat Echolocation Research. Tools, Techniques and Analysis.’ Edited by R.M. Brigham, E.K.V. Kalko, G. Jones, S. Parsons & H.J.G.A. Limpens. Bat Conservation International, Austin TX.
13. HOUSTON, R.D. & JONES, G. 2004. Discrimination of prey during trawling by the insectivorous bat, Myotis daubentonii. Pp. 356-361 in ‘Echolocation in Bats and Dolphins’, edited by J. Thomas, C. Moss & M. Vater. Chicago University Press.
12. JONES, G. & BARLOW, K.E. 2004. Cryptic species of echolocating bats. Pp. 345-349 in ‘Echolocation in Bats and Dolphins’, edited by J. Thomas, C. Moss & M. Vater. Chicago University Press.
11. HOUSTON, R.D., BOONMAN, A.M. & JONES, G. 2004. Do echolocation signal parameters restrict bats’ choice of prey? Pp 339-345 in ‘Echolocation in Bats and Dolphins’, edited by J. Thomas, C. Moss & M. Vater. Chicago University Press.
10. SPEAKMAN, J.R., LANCASTER, W.C., WARD, S., JONES, G. & COLE, K.C. 2004. Energy cost of echolocation in stationary insectivorous bats. Pp. 361-365 in ‘Echolocation in Bats and Dolphins’, edited by J. Thomas, C. Moss & M. Vater. Chicago University Press.
9. DENZINGER, A., KALKO, E.K.V. & JONES, G. 2004. Ecological and evolutionary aspects of echolocation in bats. Pp. 311-326 in ‘Echolocation in Bats and Dolphins’, edited by J. Thomas, C. Moss & M. Vater. Chicago University Press. (Review)
8. DUVERGÉ, P.L. & JONES, G. 2003. Use of farmland habitats by greater horseshoe bats. Pp. 64-81 in ‘Farming and mammals. Conservation and Conflict’, edited by F. Tattersall & W. Manley. The Linnaean Society, London.
7. JONES, G. & RYDELL, J. 2003. Attack and defence: interactions between echolocating bats and their insect prey. Pp 301-345 in ‘Bat Ecology’, edited by T.H. Kunz. University of Chicago Press. (Review)
6. JONES, G. 2000. The ontogeny of behaviour in bats: a functional perspective. In ‘Ontogeny, Functional Ecology and Evolution of Bats’ pp. 362-392, edited by R.A. Adams & S.C. Pedersen. Cambridge University Press.
5. JONES, G. 1997. Acoustic signalling and speciation: the roles of natural and sexual selection in the evolution of cryptic species. Advances in the Study of Behaviour 26: 317-354.
4. JONES, G. 1996. Does echolocation constrain the evolution of body size in bats? In Miller, P.J. (ed.) Miniature Vertebrates: the implications of small size. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 69: 111-128.
3. BARRATT, E.M., BRUFORD, M.W., BURLAND, T.M, JONES, G., RACEY, P.A. & WAYNE, R.K. 1995. Characterisation of mitochondrial DNA variability within the microchiropteran genus Pipistrellus: approaches and applications. In Racey, P.A. & Swift, S.M. (eds.) Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour of Bats. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 67: 377-386.
2. JONES, G., DUVERGÉ, P.L. & RANSOME, R.D. 1995. Conservation biology of an endangered species: field studies of greater horseshoe bats. In Racey, P.A. & Swift, S.M. (Eds) Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour of Bats. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 67: 309-324.
1. JONES, G. & MORTON, M. 1992. Radio-tracking studies on habitat use by Greater Horseshoe Bats Rhinolophus ferrumequinum. In Priede, I.M. & Swift, S.M. (Eds). Wildlife Telemetry. Remote Monitoring and tracking of animals. pp. 521-537. Ellis Harwood, Chichester.
Statutory Reports
8. VOIGT, C.C., AZAM, C., DEKKER, J., FERGUSON, J., FRITZE, M., GAZARYAN, S., HÖLKER, F., JONES, G., LEADER, N., LEWANZIK, D., LIMPENS, H.J.G.A., MATHEWS, F., RYDELL, J., SCHOFIELD, H., SPOELSTRA, K., ZAGMAJSTER, M. 2018. Guidelines for consideration of bats in lighting projects. EUROBATS Publication Series No. 8. UNEP/EUROBATS Secretariat, Bonn, Germany. 62 pp. View Report
7. Jones, G., Barlow, K., Ransome, R., and Gilmour, L. 2015. Greater horseshoe bats and their insect prey: the impact and importance of climate change and agri‐environment schemes. View Report
6. RAZGOUR O., WHITBY D., DAHLBERG E., BARLOW K., HANMER J., HAYSOM K., MCFARLANE H., WICKS L., WILLIAMS C., JONES G. 2013. Conserving grey long-eared bats (Plecotus austriacus) in our landscape: a conservation management plan.View Report
5. ZEALE, M., STONE, E., BENNITT, E., NEWSON, S., PARKER, P., HAYSOM, K., BROWNE, W., HARRIS, S. & JONES, G. 2014. Improving mitigation success where bats occupy houses and historic buildings, particularly churches. Defra project WM0322 final report, 125pp. View Report
4. RADFORD, A.N., MORLEY, E.L. & JONES, G. 2012. The effects of noise on biodiversity. Defra Report NO0235. View report
3. JONES, G., COOPER-BOHANNON, R., BARLOW, K. & PARSONS, K. 2009. Determining the potential impact of wind turbines on bat populations in Britain. Report to Defra, 160pp.
2. JONES, G. & RANSOME, R.D. 2000. Combe Down Greater horseshoe bats: radio tracking study and Bat activity at Combe Down mines during summer and autumn 2000. Reports to BatPro/ Bath and North East Somerset, 46pp.
1. JONES, G. & BILLINGTON, G. 1999. Radio tracking study of greater horseshoe bats at Cheddar, North Somerset. English Nature, Taunton. 44pp.