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Media Coverage

We're in the news! The Gareth Jones' Lab has been featured in multiple media outlets over the years. Below we have provided the relevant links to all online publications to date.

Six reference-quality genomes reveal evolution of bat adaptations

Led by academics from Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, and University College Dublin.

Original paper:

JEBB, D., HUANG, Z., PIPPEL, M., HUGHES, G. M., LAVRICHENKO, K., DEVANNA, P., … TEELING, E. C. (2020). Six reference-quality genomes reveal evolution of bat adaptations. Nature 583, 578–584 (2020).

BBC Radio Three - Becoming a Soprano Pipistrelle

What is like to be a bat? With the help of Gareth Jones, playwright Sarah Kosar imagines this possibility creatively with her spoken essay.

"In our world of dissolving distinctions, five contemporary writers imagine life as an animal of their choice and investigate the boundaries between animal and human - each with the help from different animal experts. In this edition, playwright Sarah Kosar flies in the night sky with the soprano pipistrelle bat."

Four things bats can teach us about survival

Moth responses to hedgerow management in farmland

Original paper:

FROIDEVAUX, J.S.P. , BROYLES, M. & JONES, G. 2018. Moth responses to sympathetic hedgerow management in temperate farmland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.


Attractiveness of domestic lights to insects

Original paper:

WAKEFIELD, A, BROYLES, MEJ, STONE, E, JONES, G & HARRIS, S, 2016, ‘Experimentally comparing the attractiveness of domestic lights to insects: Do LEDs attract fewer insects than conventional light types?’. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2527

Woodchester Mansion Bat Project

In the Summer of 2014 the biggest greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) at Woodchester Mansion to date was recorded. These records belong to a longitudinal study aimed at learning more about this fascinating species. Read more about it here.


Fellatio in fruit bats

Original paper:

TAN, M., JONES, G., ZHU, G., YE, J., HONG, T., ZHOU, S., ZHANG, S. & ZHANG, L. 2009. Fellatio by fruit bats prolongs copulation time. PLoS ONE 4: e7595

20th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize 

Professor Gareth Jones' acceptance speech at the 20th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony in Cambridge, MA, USA

Stealth echolocation in the barbastelle bat

Original paper:

GOERLITZ, H., TER HOFSTEDE, H.M., ZEALE, M.R.K., JONES, G. & HOLDERIED, M.W. 2010. An aerial-hawking bat uses stealth echolocation to counter moth hearing. Current Biology 20: 1568-1572.

Responses of bats to street lighting

Original Paper:

STONE, E.L., JONES, G. & HARRIS, S. 2009. Street lighting disturbs commuting bats. Current Biology 19: 1123-1127 doi:10.1016/j.cub.2009.05.058 :

Daylight foraging in the soprano pipistrelle bat

Original Paper:

RUSSO, D., CISTRONE, L., GARONNA, A.P. & JONES, G. 2011. The early bat catches the fly: daylight foraging in soprano pipistrelle bats. Mammalian Biology 76: 87-89. Doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2009.08.002.

soprano pipistrelle

Intralineage polygyny in the greater horseshoe bat

Original paper:

ROSSITER, S.J., RANSOME, R.D., FAULKES, C.G., LE COMBER, S.C. & JONES, G. 2005. Mate fidelity and intra-lineage polygyny in greater horseshoe bats. Nature 437: 408-411.

BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time

Listen to Professor Gareth Jones discuss the fascinating science behind echolocation in bats. 

Content Description:

"Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss how animals such as bats and dolphins evolved to use high frequency sounds to navigate their environments and find their prey."


Role                         Contributor
Presenter                  Melvyn Bragg
Interviewed Guest    Gareth Jones
Interviewed Guest    Kate Jones
Interviewed Guest    Dean Waters
Producer                  Simon Tillotson

Original link: – © copyright [2019] BBC

BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time
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Vocal Migrations

In May 2013, The Gareth Jones' Lab were involved in a unique art installation - Vocal Migrations. Inspired by the echolocation system of bats, participants were asked to wear a blindfold and navigate a labyrinth using a mobile device that modified their voice relative to nearby obstacles.

More information here.

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