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Dr Liz Rowse 

PhD Researcher


After graduating from the University of Southampton with a degree in Zoology (2005-2010), I volunteered at various conservation-based organisations, including The Zoological Society of London. I worked as a data capture intern with Kate Jones, assisting with projects focusing on the macroevolution and social evolution of ants and wasps. In 2013, I completed a Master’s in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation at Imperial College, London. For my final project, I focused on conservation-based issues, particularly the human-wildlife conflict, I assessed the sustainable hunting of four bat species in Madagascar using two sustainability indicators and a matrix population model .

In 2014, I started a NERC funded PhD in the Bat Lab with Gareth Jones at the University of Bristol, where I have continued to explore human-wildlife conflict issues, by investigating the effects of LED street lighting on bats in suburban habitats.




Rowse, E. G., Lewanzik, D., Stone, E. L., Harris, S. & Jones, G. (2015). Dark Matters: The Effects of artificial lighting on bats. In C. C Voigt & T. Kingston (Eds.), Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of bats in a changing world (pp. 187-207).USA: Springer Open

Rowse, E. G., Harris, S. & Jones, G. (2016). The switch from low-pressure sodium to light emitting diodes does not affect bat activity at street lights. PLoS One, 11, 14. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150884.

Rowse, E. G., Harris, S. & Jones, G. (2018). Effects of dimming light-emitting diode street lights on light-opportunistic and light-averse bats in suburban habitats. Royal Society Open Science, 5, 10. doi: 10.1098/rsos.180205

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